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Marin County Dog

This grassroots organization was formed by a group of Marin County residents opposed to the National Parks Service plans to severely restrict access for dogs on trails and beaches within the Golden Gate National Recreational Area. The social media campaign  successfully brought the issue to the forefront with residents, local and national government officials, and the news media. Subsequently, the National Parks Service has tabled the proposal indefinitely.

Covid 19 Wear a Mask Campaign

With the pandemic still expanding, it's important to remind dog owners to social distance and wear masks while walking or hiking with your dog.

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Save Our Beaches & Trails Awareness Campaign

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Mighty Mutt March

Hundreds of peaceful protesters and their dogs took to the trails and beaches around the Golden Gate Bridge to draw attention to the issue, and the local and national news media took notice.

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Art Director

Creative Director


Social Media Strategist


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