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The Pitch

Ah, the pitch – whether it's for new business or a new campaign for an existing client, it's the lifeblood of every agency. And a chance for creatives to hop out of the box now and again. Hard to say how many pitches I've been involved in both as a staffer and a freelancer, but here's a handful of ideas I developed that, for one reason or another, never made it past the conference room door. Until now.


is a concept that asks, "What if Nike launched a line of fine tailored clothing?" Well, here's how I interpreted that. Not with well known professional "Nike" athletes, but with real high school athletes.

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Let's be brief: What if Levi's made women's undergarments out of finely woven stretch denim? Simple.

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partnered with LucasFilms to launch a Star Wars themed line of shoes to coincide with the release of the latest film in the franchise. For this campaign we used digital, OOH and print to reach the target audience.

Much like the Jedi, Inkkas is out to save the world – one shoe at a time. As part of the 1 Shoe 1 Tree project, Inkkas plants one tree for every purchase. In partnership with TreesForTheFuture, Inkkas is helping reforest the world to provide sustenance for local populations in developing countries around the world.

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Well, you know what it's for. A number of years ago while working very late, a group of fellow creatives at Ogilvy got into a discussion about the best euphemisms for doing number two. Years later I thought it would be an unconventional way to advertise the brand. The client didn't agree.



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